Today on of the family friends was involved in a fatal crash. Many people are focused on who was right and who was wrong. Several have their own opinion- and are entitled to it. Some are focused on the times they spent with the lost friend- others are focused on the times they should have spent. What we are talking about is a fellow bike rider who spent some of his time growing up along side the camp-fires with the rest of my sons friends. Some may not have known he even rode a bike, or what kind he rode. All Uncle Tom can say is this- he was part of our life, I thank God for that. He will be missed. Focus on the positives of his time with us. Remember the times he was around us- focus on those. Do not regret the things that were not done. My thoughts and prayers go out to those whose life this young man touched, and those who will miss him. To all his friends who may have been close- and all of those who have drifted away- Remember him for who he was in your life. A celebration for this young man is in order. Uncle Tom suggests A "missing man" bonfire. Place riders gloves, a helmet and a few other items that signify This young man in an empty lawn chair. Place this chair around a fire and celebrate his time spent with all. Part of life is death- knowing we will all someday meet our maker is what makes us Human. When this type of an event takes place, celebrate it. Death is part of life. As sad as it may be, it is part of who we all are. Chins up, celebrate his life, and let his memory live forever in your heart.
These have been words of wisdom from uncle tom.