Always be true to yourself. The things one may accomplish, the things one may fail, always be true to oneself. Being true involves honesty. If one can stay honest with their perspectives, they can learn from them. If success is the result of a team of people, be honest! Give the credit where it is due. If the failure is the result of one single action, be honest. Take responsibility if the credit is truly due to oneself, positive or negative. Too many times people try and shift blame either to or away from themselves to justify ones abilities. Being true to oneself requires that the true responsibility is determined so a learning experience is derived from each action. Their is no shame in failure, only shame with failure in vain. if one deserves the credit for a success, bath in it! One must also be ready to get wet with the faults of failure. Every one of us have failed, the value of the failure is the lesson in the failure. If we blame others, the lesson is lost. Today's words of wisdom, be true to yourself.
Uncle Tom
true dat, uncle tom