Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lemons- can stock a lemonade stand.

Todays words of wisdom are this- When Life serves up lemons- best find someone willing to pay for lemonade! Maximize on every opportunity you are given- even if it is a bad opportunity. Do the best you can. Their is always a way to put a positive spinn on a negative. hed up, move forward! thats the only way you will make it through this carnival we call "LIFE".

Monday, March 12, 2012

The First Words of Wisdom.

The first words of wisdom I wish to discuss is this," Pick your friends with the same care you use to pick your enemies!" Friends are always around when you need them. Enemies are always around when they want to be. Make sure the right people are around when they should be. Some people choose their enemy with little thought. Quick decisions bias their opinion for years. Friends and Enemies- choose with care!