Wednesday, July 18, 2012

when words of wisdom really count

Today on of the family friends was involved in a fatal crash. Many people are focused on who was right and who was wrong. Several have their own opinion- and are entitled to it. Some are focused on the times they spent with the lost friend- others are focused on the times they should have spent. What we are talking about is a fellow bike rider who spent some of his time growing up along side the camp-fires with the rest of my sons friends. Some may not have known he even rode a bike, or what kind he rode. All Uncle Tom can say is this- he was part of our life, I thank God for that. He will be missed. Focus on the positives of his time with us. Remember the times he was around us- focus on those. Do not regret the things that were not done. My thoughts and prayers go out to those whose life this young man touched, and those who will miss him. To all his friends who may have been close- and all of those who have drifted away- Remember him for who he was in your life. A celebration for this young man is in order. Uncle Tom suggests A "missing man" bonfire. Place riders gloves, a helmet and a few other items that signify This young man in an empty lawn chair. Place this chair around a fire and celebrate his time spent with all. Part of life is death- knowing we will all someday meet our maker is what makes us Human. When this type of an event takes place, celebrate it. Death is part of life. As sad as it may be, it is part of who we all are. Chins up, celebrate his life, and let his memory live forever in your heart.
These have been words of wisdom from uncle tom.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Perspective is Everything

The way in which one views a situation can change the setting of the situation. Recently I mentioned i was at a particular location. I had a friend jump out and condemn the location based on his experience at this location. I will not say if his perspective was accurate or not, but his viewpoint was over the top and off topic. The place I was visiting was helping support autism and help raise awareness for this condition. The location was doing a great service to this cause, and I was helping as a security officer. His explanation of his dealings with their main core business really put a negative twist on the good they were trying to accomplish. The rally for Autism touched many people that night. the place of business helped many people by allowing this rally to take place on their grounds. Before one goes around judging actions and voicing their perspective, see what the entire situation is so you don't seem to turn your own image against a great cause. I may not be a fan of everything a person or place does, but I am sure with the proper perspective, I can become a fan of something this person or place does.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Fathers day is one of the craziest days we celebrate. From my viewpoint, any dummy can father a child - It does not take any hard work, it takes a small amount of effort, and it doesn't even require a test. Being a father is a joy for some, a curse for others and a distant dream for many. If we are looking to celebrate something, let's celebrate Dad's day. I am lucky enough to have a great DAD. This man is also my father. I do not wish to celebrate him being my Father- I choose to celebrate him being my DAD. This man has taken time out of his life to teach me to fish, shoot guns, play sports, love, respect, cherish, enjoy the little things of life, speak my mind, and shut my mouth when I need to. Being a DAD is much more important than being a father. Being a DAD takes so much effort, lets celebrate DADS week! I am all for this approach. One of those days can emphasize the father part (ok, Sunday it is), but the rest of the week celebrates evrything that goes into being a DAD. I am who I am today because my DAD is who he is. I am my own person, but much of what I value and respect was taught to me by my DAD. Lets all begin celebrateing DAD's week......... After all, A true DAD deserves more than just one day of recognition!
These have been more words of Wisdom from Uncle Tom!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

If we could harvest the power of B.S.

Kingdoms have risen and fallen because of it. Elected officials have resigned because of it. Jobs have been offered, and people have been fired over it. Enthusiasm is crushed by it. People are motivated by it. Web sites are full of it. Family gatherings revolve around it. Leisure time is designed around it. The business world runs on it. College classrooms are over-flowing with it. Man caves are built around it. Houses feel like home because of it. Friends like to share it. Spouses are sick of it. Kids play with it. Parents see right through it. Bankers have little use for it. A good garden yearns for it. Mountains have been carved for it. Washington D.C. offers careers while swimming in it. One of the most powerful sources around, but we can't run or cars on it. If we could harvest the power of B.S., Soldiers lives would have been saved by it!
Today's words of wisdom from uncle Tom.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

something different on words of wisdom.

Tonight I wish to try and get some feedback. I am posting something different, please take the time to respond.
My mother is afraid of Motorcycles. I was never allowed to have a dirt bike. My Dad did figure some way out to let us get a three wheeler ( you know, they were MUCH safer than a bike!). I succeeded in proving her theory, I broke my pelvis in three places during a real cool wreck. That ended my riding career while I lived at mom's house. When I went away to college, I found myself in a unique situation. My friend wanted to buy a real cool bike, but he had to sell this Yamaha 450 for 500 bucks. What Mom didn't know, wouldn't hurt her. I bought the bike. The first thing I did was take my girlfriend for a ride-- she loved it! I was hooked. Then only after two days, My friend had his new bike stolen. He asked to buy his old one back- And I was walking again. For 16 years, I liked bikes, but the idea of riding a bike was too far fetched. The Girlfriend who loved the bike ended up being my wife. We had never discussed buying a bike (or two). After my son's 16th birthday party, he decided he wanted to use his birthday money and buy a Honda shadow 500. I went with him to pick it up, but he did not know how to ride. I dusted off my 16 year old skills, and drove it home for him. We joked about how long (if ever) it would take my wife to accept the bike. He was practice riding around the yard when my wife stepped out, asked him if she could ride. We both were surprised. She rode for 2-3 laps around the yard. While she was returning to the house, she said," that was fun, we need to get some of these". We bought our first bike 1 week later. We bought a black with red flames Honda shadow 650. It was supposed to be for me..... she took it over and told me to get my own. Soon after I found a 1100 Yamaha Virago. We have been riding ever since. Post your story, lets share some first rides!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

True to yourself

Always be true to yourself. The things one may accomplish, the things one may fail, always be true to oneself. Being true involves honesty. If one can stay honest with their perspectives, they can learn from them. If success is the result of a team of people, be honest! Give the credit where it is due. If the failure is the result of one single action, be honest. Take responsibility if the credit is truly due to oneself, positive or negative. Too many times people try and shift blame either to or away from themselves to justify ones abilities. Being true to oneself requires that the true responsibility is determined so a learning experience is derived from each action. Their is no shame in failure, only shame with failure in vain. if one deserves the credit for a success, bath in it! One must also be ready to get wet with the faults of failure. Every one of us have failed, the value of the failure is the lesson in the failure. If we blame others, the lesson is lost.  Today's words of wisdom, be true to yourself.

Uncle Tom

Friday, April 20, 2012

Life is about accomplishments!

What is the meaning of life? That I am not sure. What I do know is that life is about successes. A person is not remembered for the things they fail to do. Babe Ruth was not remembered for the times he struck out, but he was remembered for the times he hit the ball. I failed to get a degree the first time I went to college. What is remembered now is that I went back to school at the age of 37, and completed my degree. Failures are the building blocks of successes. Some people take more failures to succeed than others. IN the end- it is the successes that are remembered. I do not know how many times the light bulb was designed and failed. We only remember when the light bulb finally light up. That defining moment when "the light goes on" is what is important. When one finds themselves falling short of success, remember these will all be forgotten once success is achieved. Failure is a harsh word. When one fails they begin to feel like a failure. The desire to succeed must come from the knowledge that the reward is in the success- not the failure. The failure is not the last word, but one of many first words. The meaning of life- fail until you succeed- that's my words of wisdom for today!

Uncle Tom.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

sometimes you need to feel the wind.

One can easily develop a need to stay so busy they are never able to live. The need to stick ones head out the window and let the wind blow through his/her hair is a basic need for survival. Many times I find myself so involved with my daily life necessities, I forget to let the wind blow through my hair. Today, I put down my many tasks, and felt the wind. I dropped my responsibilities, and smiled for awhile. As the wind was blowing across my face, I remembered the dog. The dog takes every opportunity to stick his head out the window. The dog knows the value of feeling the wind. As life becomes busy, remember the dog. Feel the wind every time the opportunity arises!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Crime and Punishment


One night, I goofed off going to bed,

Mom took me to THE WOOD-SHED.

The other day, I painted the cat red,

Mom took me to THE WOOD-SHED.

I ran over my dog with my new sled,

Mom took me to THE WOOD-SHED.

I stuck out my tongue, at Uncle Ned,

Mom took me to THE WOOD-SHED.

Just for a small word that I said,

Mom took me to THE WOOD-SHED.

For thoughts that seem to escape my head,

Mom takes me to THE WOOD-SHED.

Going to that place I dread,

The place mom calls THE WOOD-SHED.

Today that building met my axe-head!

Mom then took me to –

origional poem by Tom Antczak Jr.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Hang in their!- it's a way of life!

Most people can identify with trying to hang on. The fall is not as bad as the sudden stop at the bottom. Be aware of the reasons not to fall- that sudden stop HURTS! Situations in life will make one find themselves at the end of their proverbial rope. This is just life. Life is what happens while we are out planning and running errands. Letting go of the rope will end up in the sudden stop at the bottom. Some will just have a broken ankle, some will have a shattered leg, some will not survive the sudden stop. What they all have in common is the regret that they let go. Things can always be worse than they are. What makes us all human is the mistakes we have made, the scars from them, and the victories we have to share. Next time you find yourself at the end of the rope- hang in their- things do get better.

Uncle Tom!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lemons- can stock a lemonade stand.

Todays words of wisdom are this- When Life serves up lemons- best find someone willing to pay for lemonade! Maximize on every opportunity you are given- even if it is a bad opportunity. Do the best you can. Their is always a way to put a positive spinn on a negative. hed up, move forward! thats the only way you will make it through this carnival we call "LIFE".

Monday, March 12, 2012

The First Words of Wisdom.

The first words of wisdom I wish to discuss is this," Pick your friends with the same care you use to pick your enemies!" Friends are always around when you need them. Enemies are always around when they want to be. Make sure the right people are around when they should be. Some people choose their enemy with little thought. Quick decisions bias their opinion for years. Friends and Enemies- choose with care!